
Business Park

We Provide Business Park Security

At All Cities Private Security Inc., we understand the importance of maintaining a safe and secure environment for your commercial property. Our business park security guard services are designed to provide a visible deterrent to potential threats, respond quickly to incidents, and ensure that your property and assets are protected.

Fully Licensed, Insured, and Bonded

All Cities Private Security Inc. is a fully licensed, insured, and bonded security services provider. You can trust that our company and personnel meet the highest standards of professionalism and expertise

Our security personnel are:

Fully trained and certified
Experienced in commercial property security
Equipped to handle emergencies
Professional, courteous, and customer-service focused


While financial institutions, museums, casinos, and jewelry stores almost always require an armed security, we evaluate your location and facility, asses its risks and vulnerabilities, to determine and suggest the most appropriate level of security that would be best for your location.

Because each situation is unique, we follow a comprehensive transition planning process consisting of the following components: 

  1. Assess facility and operations to determine security risks, vulnerabilities, and needs
  2. Conduct security, site, and safety surveys
  3. Develop Post Orders detailing security officer duties and training requirements